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Are you a chiropractor wanting to serve more pregnant women in your practice?



Do you feel overwhelmed with the amount of information out there and how to apply it to real-life practice?


Are you in school and craving up to date, real life education that you can begin applying in your clinical rotations?



Then this course is right for you.



We will walk through preconception to postpartum while learning real-life information that you can apply to your practice the next day.


There is a lot of information and research out there when it comes to serving this population, but this course is unique in that it takes all of the research, tips, and tricks and applies it to real world experience.



Join Dr. Gowin as she walks you through this amazing journey and helps you grow your knowledge and your practice. If you have a calling to serve at a higher level and help as many expecting mamas as you can, sign up for our mailing list below for VIP access and a free gift!

The Barefoot Mama, Comprehensive Natural Lifestyle, Pregnancy Book, Consulting, Life Coach, Dr Courtney Gowin, Retreats, Business, Growth, Training, Courses, Pregnancy, Pregnant, Pregnancy Chiropractor
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